On 01/07/2015 02:31 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 07.01.2015 um 20:23 schrieb Alex:
I'm also wondering what exactly you're taking from these messages that
are received? Are you blocking based on IP? Creating header/body
rules? Those are usually transferable to other systems, but what about
bayes? How can you use it for bayes when that doesn't transfer very
easily to other systems?

depends how you build your bayse

mine is a phyiscal ham and a spam-folder with raw-mails and a script
calling sa-learn which makes it easy to transfer to other systems as
well as maintain the corpus over years

It's not necessarily an issue with the bayes database itself, but rather the content of the database - emails comprising your ham database may not constitute ham for my company, for example.


* no databases
* no magic
* no auto learning
* just a global bayes with a corpus of 15000 hand-selected
   mails in the last 5 months with a nearly perfect hit-rate
   and zero false-positives highly scored

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