mls wrote:
The Rule2XSBody plugin is loaded on ubuntu in sa-compile.pre.
After commenting it out the issue no longer happened.

Great, that is an important finding!

Benny Pedersen wrote:
warn dont use cpan direct in ubuntu, you will break dependice, and
later ask why does it not work

if you like to use cpan, then remove perl complete first then install
perl with make, make install, then when perl is installed in
/usr/local tree then begin installing all needed perl modules you need
with a cpan shell as documented

dont mix repo managers, if ubuntu miss something report to lunchpad

An alternative is to try it under perlbrew

It installs any chosen version of perl locally in your home directory,
not touching anything on the system. You need to install necessary
SpamAssassin dependencies inside the perlbrew context as well (e.g.
using the cpan installation command, which will automatically track
the necessary dependencies). All the 'installed' modules will be
located inside the perlbrew subdirectory.


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