Am 05.02.2015 um 16:17 schrieb Kevin A. McGrail:
On 2/5/2015 8:56 AM, Martin Gregorie wrote:
On Thu, 2015-02-05 at 08:18 -0500, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
Rather than learning more about how path and cron works, perhaps just
symlink things like gpg to /usr/bin might be easier.  Gpg is used to
verify the authenticity of the update.

On my machines anyway, gpg is in /usr/bin, so that isn't the problem
unless gpg is not world executable.

I'm a firm believer in E.F.Schumacher's saying "Give a man a fish and
you've fed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you've fed him for

This approach also applies to systems administration. In this case
knowing how path and cron work and knowing which tools let you
investigate problems in that area are sysadmin essentials, so IME
helping people investigate for themselves is always preferable to simply
giving them the answer.

Perhaps but this is not a unix sysadmin mailing list ;-)

while that may be true most people which are target of this list are sysadmin or call themself sysadmin - the ones not care about learning their basics are often a large part of abused servers sending spam

so it's directly related at the end of the day

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