
I've got an email setup which includes Postfix as MTA, Amavisd-new as
content filter, Spamassassin for antispam work, Dovecot for Imap
services, all of which with the exception of Amavisd use a Mysql
database. Mail delivery, virtual users, and Dovecot with Sieve for
moving spam in to a dedicated user-specific spam folder, all work
fine. What does not work is Spamassassin retraining on a false
positive or negative, I'm using the Dovecot antispam plugin. I'm very
frustrated as I've googled this and asked on the Dovecot and other
lists, and am getting nowhere.

What i'd like to happen is moving a message into or out of a user's
dedicated Spam folder will retrain SA indicating it's either a false
positive or negative and also in the case of a false positive or
negative modify the subject line of the message to either add or
remove the **spam** addon.

The SA version is 3.4.

With the Dovecot antispam plugin I'm using the one obtained from
murcurial off the wiki2.dovecot.org page not the older "Johannes"
plugin, when the plugin deems to give me an error message and it's not
often, it says nonexistent backend pipe. This is pointing to a wrapper
script again off the wiki2.dovecot.org page permissions are set
correctly so that the user running the email server can read/execute
the script, which calls sa-learn with appropriate options to retrain a

This is the only component that is not working. I would post my
90-plugin.conf file for Dovecot but right now I've got seven commented
out configurations none of which have either worked or in the case of
five produced any logging information.

If anyone has this working i'd appreciate knowing about it.


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