On Fri, 13 Feb 2015 20:51:07 -0500
David Mehler wrote:

> Hello,
> I've got an email setup which includes Postfix as MTA, Amavisd-new as
> content filter, Spamassassin for antispam work, Dovecot for Imap
> services, all of which with the exception of Amavisd use a Mysql
> database. Mail delivery, virtual users, and Dovecot with Sieve for
> moving spam in to a dedicated user-specific spam folder, all work
> fine. What does not work is Spamassassin retraining on a false
> positive or negative, I'm using the Dovecot antispam plugin. I'm very
> frustrated as I've googled this and asked on the Dovecot and other
> lists, and am getting nowhere.

It you post what what you've tried, someone may be able to put you

I don't use the plugin myself, I don't think it's well suited to
spamassassin. It's also questionable whether users should be able to
train a global database directly. 

You've not mentioned how you established it's not working.

> What i'd like to happen is moving a message into or out of a user's
> dedicated Spam folder will retrain SA indicating it's either a false
> positive or negative 

The problem with this is that you are training on error based on the SA
overall result, not the Bayes result. This results in Bayes adapting
needlessly slowly to spam, and often nowhere near enough ham being

Bayes doesn't even turn-on until it's been trained with 200 spams and
200 hams. Personally I wouldn't expect 200 FPs in a lifetime (let alone
the thousands that are needed for a mature database). Even on a global
database it may take a while for Bayes to turn-on without some
additional training. You can supplement it with autotraining, but you
become much more reliant on users retraining  misclassifications. Doing
some extra manual training  is better.

> and also in the case of a false positive or
> negative modify the subject line of the message to either add or
> remove the **spam** addon.

If you're filing spam into a separate IMAP folder, do you need to
rewrite the subject in the first place? It doesn't seem to do anything
useful and it probably makes spotting FPs harder. 

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