On 18/03/15 21:46, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 18.03.2015 um 22:29 schrieb David B Funk:
 > Just have an internal mail-submission port that isn't routed thru SA

may not be possible if you have hundrets of domains without setup a
internal DNS view just for a different MX

In general you don't want auto-mail running thru SA for this reason and
to prevent Bayes poisinging

in general autolearning is a major mistake at all

frankly i trained over months with *hand chosen* mail smaples and spent
nearly two weeks day and night to remove bayes-posioning from the
samples and rebuild bayes from scratch leading in reduce the ntokens
from 1700000 to 1500000

Wow - you must be fun at parties...

Personally I find the bayes_autolearn_on_error option which was added to SA 3.3, works pretty well to avoid poisoning and overtraining. From the docs:

bayes_auto_learn_on_error (0 | 1) (default: 0)

With bayes_auto_learn_on_error off, autolearning will be performed even if bayes classifier already agrees with the new classification (i.e. yielded BAYES_00 for what we are now trying to teach it as ham, or yielded BAYES_99 for spam). This is a traditional setting, the default was chosen to retain backwards compatibility.

With bayes_auto_learn_on_error turned on, autolearning will be performed only when a bayes classifier had a different opinion from what the autolearner is now trying to teach it (i.e. it made an error in judgement). This strategy may or may not produce better future classifications, but usually works very well, while also preventing unnecessary overlearning and slows down database growth.


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