On 3/19/15, Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net> wrote:
> and in fact i was *never ever* that abusive as you are all the time
> beause there is a difference in get heatet in a technical discussion or
> like you do absue for the sake of abuse

hahahaha thankfulyl google shows otherwise

> so you better stop making yourself laughable and shut up

or what you gunna try black mail me? bring it on bitch

I make it my lifes aim to bring down arseholes like you, to rid the
world of fools like you, makes the world a better happier place,  I
only hope Noel has the balls to keep to his word and end you for
trying to blackm ail him, how did that work out arsehole? hahaha he
laughed in your face because he didnt care what you copied and pasted,
yes arsehole the entire IRC knows all about it, and every word he said
to you, he put it up on a a website, and by fuck you deserved every
word he said and more.

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