Am 24.03.2015 um 20:10 schrieb Lorenzo Thurman:
I contacted the list a couple of weeks ago about SA not missing a lot of
spam I thought it should be catching. There duplicates of message that I
had put through sa-learn, that were still getting passed. One of the
suggestions offered here, after posting my command line here, was that I
should run sa-learn as the user not, as root (silly mistake). That did
improve SA’s ability to catch spam. It cut it down to ~1/2, but I
thought there was more I could do. So, after more digging, I found this
I had been using the default Ubuntu configuration, but after
implementing this script, I’ve found SA catching ~90-95% of the spam. So
my faith is now restored

well, a better setup would run spamassassin via milter *before-queue* and proper reject junk at SMTP level - so you have a tag level let say between 5.5 and 7.9 points and reject above 8.0

the flagged ones can go in a seperate folder via sieve and the absolute high score junk is proper rejected and with some luck the spam attempts go down at all

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