Am 27.06.2015 um 10:18 schrieb Martin S:
On Friday 26 June 2015 17.40.04 Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

But, putting RBL checks into the MTA is the best way I know to piss off
your users since tag-and-forward is not an option on MTA rbl checking.
That's why we all do our RBL checks in spamassassin.

Could you elaborate on this? I'm "new" to running a mail server (it's in test
phase atm) as my only experience is with sendmail many years ago. I take it SA
does RBL look-ups by default and there is no need to att RBL look-ups in
postfix file?

he should speek for himself and not for "us all"

a sane MTA setup is using something like Postscreen with scoring and *you don't want* to scan and tag 90% of all mails which are on 5 or even 10 RBLs, frankly you won't waste a smtpd process at all when postscreen can kill them

below the current month and scanning additional 200000 messages would waste ressources all day long

Reject Postscreen: 205389
Reject Postfix:    18275
Reject Milter:     7052
Reject Temporary:  1888
Blacklist:         200032
Pregreet:          40171
Hangup:            74936
Protocol Error:    3479

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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