and here you go, so the next time before you answer with foam in front of your mouth and don't get what "something like Postscreen" means educate yourself!

Am 29.06.2015 um 18:35 schrieb Reindl Harald:

Am 29.06.2015 um 18:29 schrieb Ted Mittelstaedt:
Of course, Postfix fixes everything from AIDS to global warming, it's
the greatest MTA ever invented. <eyeroll>

for other MTA'S score-bayes RBL handling on MTA level exists too in form
of policy daemons <eyeroll>

Exactly the kind of thing I would expect from you.  Haven't you worn
out that Postfix drum your banging yet?

no but "That's why we all do our RBL checks in spamassassin" is plain
wrong, *you are doing* not "we all" - most people except you try to get
most spam blocked in a sensible way before it hits expensive content
filters, so just stop talk about "we all" if you have no clue

the RBL checks in SA are fine and good, but only for addititional
scoring comined with other rules to get messages rejected via milter
which are not on enough RBLs to block them straight ahead

On 6/27/2015 3:04 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 27.06.2015 um 10:18 schrieb Martin S:
On Friday 26 June 2015 17.40.04 Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

But, putting RBL checks into the MTA is the best way I know to piss
your users since tag-and-forward is not an option on MTA rbl checking.
That's why we all do our RBL checks in spamassassin.

Could you elaborate on this? I'm "new" to running a mail server (it's
in test
phase atm) as my only experience is with sendmail many years ago. I
take it SA
does RBL look-ups by default and there is no need to att RBL
look-ups in
postfix file?

he should speek for himself and not for "us all"

a sane MTA setup is using something like Postscreen with scoring and
*you don't want* to scan and tag 90% of all mails which are on 5 or even
10 RBLs, frankly you won't waste a smtpd process at all when postscreen
can kill them

below the current month and scanning additional 200000 messages would
waste ressources all day long

Reject Postscreen: 205389
Reject Postfix: 18275
Reject Milter: 7052
Reject Temporary: 1888
Blacklist: 200032
Pregreet: 40171
Hangup: 74936
Protocol Error: 3479

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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