I just got in my inbox what I consider spam from the Belgian domain
selling Japanese copiers & printers (you probably know which one).  What
made it pass through SA were RCVD_IN_RP_CERTIFIED and RCVD_IN_RP_SAFE.
Together they account for a whopping -5 points - a poison antidote pill!
Isn't that a bit excessive?  In fact, since Return Path explicitly
advertises itself as a service for marketers, and I _never_ knowingly
subscribe to a marketing list, these scores should be (smallish)
positive as far as I'm concerned.

On 09.07.15 16:58, David Jones wrote:
Did the email have a valid unsubscribe link/process?

I shortcircuit as ham for these two rule hits and never have had
a report of spam that couldn't be reliably/safely unsubscribed from.
(I filter about 90,000 mailboxes.)

well, I have increased their scores to 1% of its value (-2 to -0.02 etc)
I only remember getting spam with these SA headers and I remember it was
hard (if not impossible) to find spam report link on their site.
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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