On 10/07/2015 02:02, Ian Zimmerman wrote: 

> I just got in my inbox what I consider spam from the Belgian domain
> selling Japanese copiers & printers (you probably know which one). What
> made it pass through SA were RCVD_IN_RP_CERTIFIED and RCVD_IN_RP_SAFE.
> Together they account for a whopping -5 points - a poison antidote pill!
> Isn't that a bit excessive? In fact, since Return Path explicitly
> advertises itself as a service for marketers, and I _never_ knowingly
> subscribe to a marketing list, these scores should be (smallish)
> positive as far as I'm concerned.
> Also, I'm unsure what membership in SAFE means, the Return Path website
> doesn't mention it prominently, as it does their certification program.


One of my colleagues subs to their mailouts, and I'm informed it's often
how to get around filtering, by using right keywords and blah blah blah
to get that successful inbox placement... 

(hint: we nuke all whitelists in SA anyway) 

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