I got a spearphishing e-mail the other day that had a From with the following form:

From: "Mister President <presid...@company.com>"

I attempted to craft a SA rule to catch the "@" in the From:name but I was unable to catch anything after the "<"
From:name =~ /Mister President/        hits
From:name =~ /Mister President \</    does not hit
From:name =~ /\@/                              does not hit
From:name =~ /company/                    does not hit
From =~ /\@.*\@/                                  hits but is inefficient

I believe that SA may be removing the <presid...@company.com> part from the From:name, am I correct? Is there any efficient way to detect such an occurrence of an "@" in the From:name?

Using SA version 3.4.1 on Ubuntu with debug

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