So, to reply to my own question:

CPanel <> is well documented 
<> and is 
supported only via forum 

I’m using CPanel version 11.50. With phone support from GoDaddy, I was able to 
SSH into the shared linux CPanel host. Then, I was able to find the 
SpamAssassin binary 
(/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/514/bin/spamassassin -V) to determine I’m 
running SA 3.4.0. This version does not have the new TLDs features.

CPanel 11.52 <>, due for 
release next month, will incorporate SA 3.4.1 and the advanced technology. It 
is not apparent when GoDaddy will upgrade to this new version of CPanel.

As of yet, the best information I’ve found on the new TLDs features is here 

Here <> is a list of SA rules, but it 
is out of date as they are updated nightly in an effort to keep up with 

How to test for reverse DNS? See RDNS_NONE 
<> .

How to stop spam from top level domains? Well, the domains pop up faster than 
an administrator can keep track of them Also, I don’t want to brute-force block 
an entire domain because someday, it might be used for legitimate mail.

The solution, as a Mail Administrator, is to tweak SA’s rules to catch the 
strains of SPAM you actually are receiving.

To do this in Mac OS X

1) Select a SPAM item that was missed by SA.
2) Select View menu -> Message -> Raw Source.
3) Examine the “Content analysis details” section of the header that SA 
inserts. Note the points scored versus the points required. Note each rule SA 
attempted and the score it assigned to the test. It is the sum of the scores 
which is used to test against the required score. Thus, you can assign your own 
importance to each test. Different SPAM items trigger different tests.
4) If a particular test needs adjustment, go to CPanel home -> Email -> 
SpamAssassin -> Configure SpamAssassin. The number at the top is the required 
score (default value of 5). Then, there are several “score” boxes. Enter a test 
and the score for it, e.g. “RDNS_NONE 3”.
5) Rinse and repeat as necessary.

I found that much of the SPAM had a BAYES_00 score of -1.9, which was defeating 
the contribution of the other tests. A closer inspection of the raw source 
revealed invisible gibberish text which, I assume, is designed to thwart the 
default BAYES_00 test — very cleaver. I have since changed the score of that 
test to 0.

This iterative approach seems to be working: my inbox is “HAM” again.

In Summary:

CPanel appears to be a solid product. It provides much of the same 
functionality as OS X Server. Both provide a UI that attempts to simplify 
administration, but both also provide SSH access for those who need/want to get 
“down and dirty.”

The advantage of using GoDaddy to host CPanel is that I don’t have to deal with 
reverse DNS, static IP, data center security, power supply and backup, Internet 
connectivity issues, firewall ports, etc. Also, I don’t have to dedicate 
$500-1K to hardware to run the thing. Downside: I don’t have control over which 
version of SA I get to use.

In either case, it takes someone who can examine received SPAM to adjust the SA 
rules to react to changing conditions. That job is the same regardless of how 
the email service is provided.

Hope that helps,

Larry Goldman

> On Oct 1, 2015, at 6:53 PM, Larry Goldman 
> < 
> <>> wrote:
> From <>
>> Latest News
>> 2015-04-30: SpamAssassin 3.4.1 has been released! Highlights include: 
>> improved automation to help combat spammers that are abusing new top level 
>> domains; 
> I’m running SpamAssassin on CPanel shared hosting (GoDaddy). For several 
> weeks, I’ve been inundated with spam from various new top-level domains: 
> .date, .win,, .faith, .racing. CPanel has options for specifiying 
> SpamAssassin rules, but no other configuration files are readily available 
> for modification.
> Where is this improved automation documented?
> How can I stop the spam from new top level domains?
> What (new) rules apply to unknown new top level domains?
> How can I test reverse DNS for the sender?
> Where is the best documentation for the entire current set of SpamAssassin 
> rules?

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