That means user clamscan cannot read the file eicar. This is idenepdant of the 
user that launchs clamdscan. Try to put eicar.txt in /tmp and make it mode 777.

On 19.11.15 05:20, Daniel L. Srebnick wrote:
I did so.  Clamdscan still does not see the file and returns an lstat error.  I 
even made clamscan/clamscan the owner.

-rwxrwxrwx. 1 clamscan clamscan 69 Nov 19 05:09 eicar.txt

[root@zzzz tmp]# clamdscan -c /etc/clamd.d/scan.conf /tmp/eicar.txt
/tmp/eicar.txt: lstat() failed: No such file or directory. ERROR

does clamd run?
Doesn't it run chrooted?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
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2B|!2B, that's a question!

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