
>>>  I suggested converting the rawbody rule John was working on into a
>>>  redirector_pattern
>> Note that the following rule as posted by John:
>> m;^https?://[^/]*\.google\.com/[^?]*url\?.*[\?&]download=1;i
>> would not currently work as a redirector_pattern due to the problem
>> I posted in my today's reply (Re: redirector_pattern question);
>> i.e. where the redirector target contains "http:", followed
>> by other URI arguments (like "&download=1" here).
> Right, and I would take that into account when composing the
> redirector_pattern. That extra bit is there to avoid treating *all* google
> redirects as malware downloads.
> Question: has anyone ever seen a *legit* (non-spam, non-phishing,
> non-malware) google redirect like that in an email? Maybe this rule is too
> restrictive and we should be suspicious of *all* google redirects?

I've forwarded you a few samples.

I'm not entirely sure I've kept up with the pieces of this. Has a rule
yet been developed? Is both a rule and Marc's patch required? After
the patch was posted, there was a comment about the redirector_pattern
not being necessary...


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