Using SA 3.4.1

I just upgraded my raspbians to the latest (wheezy->jessie) and I am am facing very strange problems now. I have also problems in the latest Ubuntu X86_64, which I amd trying to use now for debugging this.

I have to start from somewhere, so it is now the Ubuntu.

# systemctl start spamassassin.service just times out and does not nothing.

The spamassassin.service looks good to my not so deep systemd eye.

So I have been trying to start it from cli.

# root@whirlwind:~# OPTIONS="--siteconfigpath=/etc/spamassassin --nouser-config -q \ --max-children=8 --listen= -A, \
        -u debian-spamd -l --allow-tell --debug=dns" spamd $OPTIONS&
[1] 32423
root@whirlwind:~# Dec 20 14:33:20.901 [32423] warn: each on reference is experimental at /usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/ line 353. Dec 20 14:33:20.901 [32423] warn: keys on reference is experimental at /usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/ line 377. Dec 20 14:33:20.901 [32423] warn: keys on reference is experimental at /usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/ line 406. Dec 20 14:35:30.525 [32423] info: zoom: able to use 349/353 'body_0' compiled rules (98.866%) Dec 20 14:35:31.423 [32423] info: spamd: server started on IO::Socket::IP [::1]:783, IO::Socket::IP []:783 (running version 3.4.1)
Dec 20 14:35:31.423 [32423] info: spamd: server pid: 32423
Dec 20 14:35:31.426 [32423] info: spamd: server successfully spawned child process, pid 32437 Dec 20 14:35:31.429 [32423] info: spamd: server successfully spawned child process, pid 32438
Dec 20 14:35:31.430 [32423] info: prefork: child states: IS
Dec 20 14:35:31.430 [32423] info: prefork: child states: II

Now this: it starts fine, but I just can not get it to listen nothing by localhosts!

That OPTIONS is taken from my /etc/default/spamassassin except the --listen=* is there, and listens only localhost, as well this manually entered ipv4 interface.

Huh? I can't debug much as I can't even get it to listen!

(And I have used SA for years w/o any serious problems...)


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