On 20.12.2015 14.47, Jari Fredriksson wrote:

Using SA 3.4.1

I just upgraded my raspbians to the latest (wheezy->jessie) and I am am
facing very strange problems now. I have also problems in the latest
Ubuntu X86_64, which I amd trying to use now for debugging this.

I have to start from somewhere, so it is now the Ubuntu.

# systemctl start spamassassin.service just times out and does not nothing.

The spamassassin.service looks good to my not so deep systemd eye.

So I have been trying to start it from cli.

# root@whirlwind:~# OPTIONS="--siteconfigpath=/etc/spamassassin
--nouser-config -q \
         --max-children=8 --listen= -A, \
         -u debian-spamd -l --allow-tell --debug=dns" spamd $OPTIONS&
[1] 32423
root@whirlwind:~# Dec 20 14:33:20.901 [32423] warn: each on reference is
experimental at /usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/URILocalBL.pm
line 353.
Dec 20 14:33:20.901 [32423] warn: keys on reference is experimental at
/usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/URILocalBL.pm line 377.
Dec 20 14:33:20.901 [32423] warn: keys on reference is experimental at
/usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/URILocalBL.pm line 406.
Dec 20 14:35:30.525 [32423] info: zoom: able to use 349/353 'body_0'
compiled rules (98.866%)
Dec 20 14:35:31.423 [32423] info: spamd: server started on
IO::Socket::IP [::1]:783, IO::Socket::IP []:783 (running
version 3.4.1)
Dec 20 14:35:31.423 [32423] info: spamd: server pid: 32423
Dec 20 14:35:31.426 [32423] info: spamd: server successfully spawned
child process, pid 32437
Dec 20 14:35:31.429 [32423] info: spamd: server successfully spawned
child process, pid 32438
Dec 20 14:35:31.430 [32423] info: prefork: child states: IS
Dec 20 14:35:31.430 [32423] info: prefork: child states: II

Now this: it starts fine, but I just can not get it to listen nothing by

That OPTIONS is taken from my /etc/default/spamassassin except the
--listen=* is there, and listens only localhost, as well this manually
entered ipv4 interface.

Huh? I can't debug much as I can't even get it to listen!

(And I have used SA for years w/o any serious problems...)

OK I got that working by just entering the options after spamd directory w/o using OPTIONS variable. Hum.

Now trying to get to the actual problem:

All my SA daemons get jammed by every client being reserved and taking loooong time so that they will time out and nothing gets filtered and no SA stuff show up in the mail headers.

Seems NOT to be dns (Net::DNS.pm 0.83)


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