On 04.02.16 09:30, Alan Hodgson wrote:
SPF strict outright breaks mail forwarding, unless the forwarder rewrites the
envelope sender.

SPF does NOT break mail forwarding (and is not obsolete, as you claim in
later mail)

Forwarding without rewriting envelope sender is what's broken there.
It causes issues like misdirected bounces to the originator, not to the
DKIM + DMARC is a much better compromise. It allows properly-signed mail
forwarded intact to still pass DMARC checks.

DKIM required DATA phase to complete, while SPF can be rejected prior it.

DKIM has its issues, related to charater set conversion that may be
ligitimately done by servers. --
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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