Hey Bowie

spamassassin is working - I've sent the GTUBE email through the system from
my gmail account and it was marked and delivered into junk box.

Was not sure which of the site wide local.cf files I should put the
all_user_rules flag in so I put it in both.

I did run your suggested cmd $ spamassassin -D --lint 2>&1 | grep local.cf
AND GOT a lot of output with I think I should not have since the inclusion
of the grep pattern filter.
I'm not sure that cmd is what you want.
I read the command as Run spamassassin WITH OPTIONS -D and --lint 2  SEND
output to NOT SURE HERE.  In this context is I'm not sure what &1 means.
BUT the output should be sent a pipe to grep and filter on the patter
local.cf.   Perhaps my interpretation is wrong.   Anyway it didn't appear
to tell me anything about the source of the config file.  It did list all
the rules that are enabled.  That's cool.

I looked at the permission of the user_prefs file and for ownership and
group-ownership it is root root.  should it be debian-spamd debian-spamd?
I did change one of the conf files from nobody to debian-spamd for


On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 12:34 PM, Bowie Bailey <bowie_bai...@buc.com> wrote:

> On 2/16/2016 2:44 PM, Amanda Giarla wrote:
> First this is on a training server running Ubuntu 14, VestaCP, Exim4 etc.
> In doc
> https://spamassassin.apache.org/full/3.1.x/doc/Mail_SpamAssassin_Conf.html
> It it my understanding that to use the a user_prefs file I have to place
> in some config file
> *allow_user_rules 1*
> first.
> And then write rules into the user_prefs file.
> I have placed the allow_user_rules rule in
> */usr/share/spamassassin/local.cf <http://local.cf/>*
> */etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf <http://local.cf/> *
> That should work, although it is only needed in one of the two places.
> You need to determine which file SA is reading.
> Take a look at the output of:
> $ spamassassin -D --lint 2>&1 | grep local.cf
> THEN placed in the user_prefs file the following rule
> *blacklist_from *@gmail.com <http://gmail.com/>*
> and restarted spamassassin
> That is fine, however I don't think you need the allow_user_rules option
> for that.  It is only needed for the options listed under the RULE
> Thinking this will mark mail from my gmail account as SPAM.
> When I look in the logs I do not see the test emails marked as spam
> AND when I go into the webmail client the email was placed in the inbox
> not in the junk box.
> I have tested with GTUBE spam and that does get marked and placed in the
> junk box.
> Is the above the correct sequence?  Am I missing a step?
> My first guess would be that the user_prefs file is either in the wrong
> place or has incorrect permissions.  A close second would be that SA always
> runs as the same user and you are not passing the -u option to spamc (along
> with any necessary options for spamd depending on your setup).
> --
> Bowie

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