On Tue, 29 Mar 2016, Bill Cole wrote:

This is true for 8.14.7 in FreeBSD 8.4-RELEASE-p27 (a.k.a. "Update your damn boxes, Bill!") and I see nothing in later release notes indicating a relevant change in Sendmail, which is formally within spec by putting no MIME headers in the human-readable first part of a DSN (Seriously, all MIME headers are formally optional... text/plain charset=us-ascii is default).

So, a message that's explicitly multipart MIME but which has only one part? Or does it actually have multiple parts, just none are marked as text/plain?

Since MIME_NO_TEXT is pegged to its limit in the current ruleset (1.999) there's likely a lot of backscatter out of Sendmail feeding the score, making it harder for me to form an opinion on the right sort of global fix, if one exists.

Can you send me some samples? Suppressing it for something that looks like a DSN might be reasonable; we can at least see how that plays in masscheck.

(I'll probably write a bug on this when my brain has rested adequately to do so cogently, can't say when that might be.)

Not sure it's worthy of a bug. Discuss it here and if any changes seem justified I'll make them.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ                    http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
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