On Mon, 4 Apr 2016 15:29:40 -0400
Alex wrote:

> Hi,
> >> >> Can someone help me understand why this auto-away message failed
> >> >> the DMARC tests?
> >> >>
> >> >> http://pastebin.com/wXhxex92
> >> >>
> >> >> It looks like it passed through an AOL MX, yet SPF still
> >> >> failed.  
> >> >
> >> > It didn't fail SPF, it failed to pass because there's no envelope
> >> > sender address.  
> >>
> >> DMARC think in alignments. Authentication for SPF or DKIM (or both)
> >> must be aligned with RFC5322.From.
> >>
> >> SPF bind RFC5321.MailFrom to an Entiry. For any
> >> DeliveryStatusNotification or Autoresonder the RFC5321.MailFrom is
> >> required to be empty. So SPF *never* could be aligned to
> >> RFC5322.From for such messages.  
> >
> > FWIW  automated replies are allowed to have a null address, but
> > it's not required.
> >
> > The important thing is that this one didn't.
> >  
> >> The only way to generate a DMARC=pass is DKIM. A domainowner has to
> >> DKIM-sign DeliveryStatusNotification or Autoresonder in alignement
> >> to the RFC5322.From.  
> >
> > I assume the OP knows why it didn't pass DKIM since he specifically
> > mentioned SPF.  
> No, I really don't understand. I have a basic understanding of
> DKIM/DMARC and understand it's dependent upon SPF, which is why I
> mentioned that.
> If I recall, these are treated essentially as DSNs, correct? In these
> cases, the From is null.z)/x

What matters here is that the the envelope sender was empty rather than
why it was empty.

I'm assuming that you are using these rules:



 __DMARC_POLICY_REJECT comes from a dns look-up which says that the
policy is to reject. The rule will then fire if neither  DKIM_VALID_AU
nor SPF_PASS hit.

SPF can't be  used here because there's no envelope sender, dkim
passes but it's signed by mx.aol.com not by the domain in the
header from address, so DKIM_VALID_AU doesn't get hit either.

> So ultimately who's at fault here for causing this to fail? AOL? What
> should have been done to prevent it?

AOL, I guess.


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