On Tue, 16 Aug 2016 08:18:55 +0000 Chris Lee wrote:
Still digest your solution, look like it rather complex to me.

Besides, it is possible to just whitelist or blacklist some email
address for DKIM checking?

On 16.08.16 12:57, RW wrote:
You could do it like this:

whitelist_from_dkim *@example.com *@example.net
blacklist_from      *@example.com *@example.net

The two rules score -100 and 100 respectively, so they cancel out if
dkim passes.

this is not what the OP wanted.

The OP wanted to exempt some users from DKIM checks, which is not
configurable in SA (and a bad idea generally)

the OP's request can only be fullfilled by special rules, since it involves
breaking whole reason why DKIM exists.
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