On 08/30/2016 09:59 AM, Merijn van den Kroonenberg wrote:
On Mon, 29 Aug 2016, Anthony Hoppe wrote:

I just learned about the sought ruleset via
https://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/ImproveAccuracy.  Is this ruleset
still actively maintained?  I'm considering implementing it in my
environment, but want to make sure just in case.

Sadly, no. I think it's been at least a couple of years since they were

Why was it discontinued, not effective enough or did it take too much

Was it run against the same spam/ham corpus as is used for the rule

SARE was a tightly knit *independent* group of creative rule writers/rabid spamfighters with a very nifty automatic (& complicated) masscheck/scoring & rule publishing system.
(the commented S/O for ham/spam are visible in the rules)

After a few years, people moved on, setup families or just got tired of SARE being treated as a commodity and no fresh blood or any type of funding for a lot of hard work put into the project.

for those that weren't  around back then:


Back then spamfighting was "sexy" and appreciated. (I'm getting old)

Nowadays you can pretty much do the same if you have some Perl talent, invest time and learn how to setup the systenm used to create the SOUGHT rules. Basic code is in SA's SVN


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