On 19 Oct 2016, at 22:41, Pedro David Marco wrote:

Thanks Bill...

I wish it had been more helpful.

1. Add to local.cf, along with the other PYZOR_CHECK_2 lines you had:>>    tflags PYZOR_CHECK_2 net>>Does that change whether the rule is hit?>>>2. Change the PYZOR_CHECK score line in 50_scores.cf to:>>    score PYZOR_CHECK 0.001 1.985 0.001 1.392>>Does that quiet the warning about the meta rule?>>>>If Test #1 makes PYZOR_CHECK_2 NOT match a message that matched without >it, then something is disabling 'net' rules and you need to find and >correct whatever is doing that if you want SA to work well.
PYZOR_CHECK_2 works well when tflag  net is set...
If Test #2 silences the warning, you've found what is PROBABLY a minor >cosmetic bug in SpamAssassin but MAY be a substantive one if it means >that meta rule is being skipped as a result of having detected the wrong >score in that line. Opening a bug report at >https://bz.apache.org/SpamAssassin/ would be helpful.
warning still present... :-(

Color me entirely mystified.

This is a print Dumper of permsgstatus with a grep -i PYZOR:

Hmmm... Relevant context of those lines is lost with grep, but they confirm something odd is going on.

so still wondering about the Dumper line:      'PYZOR_CHECK' => '0',

That is strange, but it's not clear which hash that is from.

i have even performed a ext4 fs deep check to discard any drive corruption issue....

I'm all out of ideas grounded in sanity.

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