On Fri, 23 Dec 2016 10:12:54 +0000
Sebastian Arcus wrote:

> On the command line it is hitting BAYES_99 and BAYES_999 - while
> through Exim it doesn't. 
> What could possibly account for the large discrepancy in bayes
> results?

If you're running spamd as the spamd user with a global database and
both scans are using spamd that should rule-out the normal explanation
of two separate databases. I don't know much about Exim but some
Amavisd users have assumed that they are using spamd when SpamAssassin
is being used as a library.

Assuming that they are using the same database, perhaps the spam was
autolearned when it was originally scanned from Exim, or other training
changed the result.

Another possibility is that the difference is due to additional
headers added after the Exim scan. For example if you are using a
mixture of autotraining and manual training and the ratio of spam/ham
is much higher in the  manual training, these extra headers may look
spammy and skew the result on rescanned mail.

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