Am 2017-01-09 22:30, schrieb L A Walsh:
I have:

bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam -5.0
bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam 10.0

In order for autolearn to work you need at least 200 trained messages in the ham and spam category. If the filter doesn't know enough mails yet it will state it in the log file.

Have you trained your Bayes filter accordingly or just enabled it and expect it to start autolearning out of the box?

Also take a look at:

Quote: "Finally, SpamAssassin requires at least 3 points from the header and 3 points from the body, to auto-learn as spam. If either section contributes fewer points, the message will not be auto-learned."

I guess the latter might be just the case with your installation. †

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