On Wed, 11 Jan 2017, Michael B Allen wrote:

Is it possible to send a message to myself to see what SA thinks of my mail rig?

I'm using CentOS 7.2, spamassassin 3.4.0 and postfix 2.10 and running
spamd + spamc in postfix master.cf > sendmail > procmail > .Spam

If I just send a message from one account to another, of course it
never leaves the server and thus dodges SA. Is there a clever way to
temporarily route a message in such a way that the usual evaluations
will be performed as if the message were received remotely?


Send it to various mail accounts that forward the mail back to you. Any hacks you make to have it delivered to and from the same smtpd will most likely make any dat ayou collect unreliable.

I usually test my mail setup by sending it to and from a gmail account. Gmail is fairly picky about mail.

Kim Roar Foldøy Hauge

Drift @ SysRq, Narvik Studentersamfunn

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