What is the fix needed so /usr/bin/sa-update starts getting updates? I too have 
not received an update from updates.spamassassin.org 
<http://updates.spamassassin.org/> since 1-Jan-17.

Besides updates.spamassassin.org <http://updates.spamassassin.org/>, what other 
rule sets are commonly used? Hundreds of spam messages are getting through with 
only updates.spamassassin.org <http://updates.spamassassin.org/> rules.


> On Jan 17, 2017, at 3:17 PM, Dave Warren <da...@hireahit.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 17, 2017, at 12:51, Axb wrote:
>> On 01/17/2017 09:14 PM, Dave Warren wrote:
>>> On Sun, Jan 15, 2017, at 20:02, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
>>>> On 1/15/2017 9:21 PM, Chris wrote:
>>>>> The last update of rules I've seen is 1/1/17. The attached cron output
>>>>> seems to show no problems though. Doesn't seem right no updates for two
>>>>> weeks but I guess it's possible.
>>>> It's been noted and I think i have the root issue tracked down. Some of
>>>> the checkers are running the wrong SVN checkout and I don't know why so
>>>> they are skipped.  Then we miss the minimum number of masscheckers to
>>>> publish.
>>> Have you reached you to any that weren't reporting correctly? Mine went
>>> offline in November and just came back up 1-3 days ago, could you take a
>>> quick look at "dwarren" to see if everything is okay with my
>>> submissions?
>> Dave,
>> If you look into
>> http://ruleqa.spamassassin.org/
>>  and unfold [+] the "green" (lastest) you should find your "dwarren".
>> If it's not there, could be you submission came in too late.
> I'm in the list on the 15th and 16th, but not the 17th. Not sure what to
> make of that, from what little I can tell, it completed around the same
> time, but I don't have time to dig into it further right now. I was more
> worried about whether I fell into the "wrong SVN checkout" group and was
> ignored for that reason.

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