On Wed, 08 Feb 2017 09:01:35 -0500
Ruga <r...@protonmail.com> wrote:

> How odd, in a mailing list of spam fighters someone really wants me
> to accept junk mail.

Wow.  You really don't know how to read, do you?  What was unclear
about my statement:

    Hey, you do you. You can do whatever you want with your mail, but
    claiming it's in the name of RFC compliance is alternatively factual.

> In the snail mail box, we put in the trashcan everything that does
> not carry a recipient address. Guess what? We do the same with
> e-mail. And we are happy about it.

You can do whatever you want.  But don't spread misinformation about
standards.  We have to deal with enough crappy noncompliant software.
We don't need Internet vigilantes on a witch-hunt against software
that actually *does* comply with standards.



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