>From: RW <rwmailli...@googlemail.com>
>Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2017 7:51 AM
>To: users@spamassassin.apache.org
>On Tue, 14 Feb 2017 16:21:04 +0300
>Emin Akbulut wrote:

>> Hi
>> URIBL checks are blocked. I think bec. of so many queries. I'm
>> advised to set up conditional forwarder on Windows DNS Server.>

>If you mean that you should *stop* forwarding this traffic than that
>is correct. You need to be doing your own look-ups to the
>whitelist/blacklist servers from your own IP address, forwarding to a
>shared server is what causes the problem.

This is a common problem and has been discussed on this list
many times before.  I wish SpamAssassin had a better way to
handle this rule hit and explaining to the server admin but I
don't think this is possible.

Basically you need to point to a DNS server that you manage
or know for sure that it's not forwarding to another DNS server.
It's not required to have a local DNS server on your SA box but
it's the best way to know for sure that it's doing full recursive
lookups, not forwarding to other DNS servers that will
consolidate your queries with others pushing you over the
free usage limits and thus hitting this rule.

Note that if your mail volume is high enough, you may
still hit their free usage limit even after doing this.



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