> Hi everyone,
> I want to try and detect malicious uri in the body of emails better and
> thought there might be something I could use, since I imagine google have
> a good list of them. I found this link, but it fails to install.
> http://search.cpan.org/~danborn/Bundle-SafeBrowsing/lib/Bundle/SafeBrowsing.pm

I think this one only supports the version 1 of the protocol, which is no
longer supported. I think they are at version 3 now.

> I'm using FreeBSD. Does anyone use this? Or do you have any other
> suggestions?

We use our own implementation of the v2 protocol. It doesn't hit on that
many spam. But occasionally it hits on some spam/phishing runs.

I am not sure if there is an implementation of the v3 protocol which can
be easily used in SA... Our implementation will probably stop working at
some point.

> Thanks,
> Rich

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