On Sun, 30 Apr 2017 20:51:11 -0400
Alex wrote:

> Hi,

> I also have a few questions about other rules that hit this email as
> well as some other rules I've come across today that I don't
> understand. Most of the questions relate to scoring appearing to be
> very high for the single rule.
>  *  1.4 PYZOR_CHECK Listed in Pyzor (http://pyzor.sf.net/)
> This rule hits messages with an empty body. We receive a lot of mail
> with invoices, PDF and other attachments with an empty body. Doesn't
> 1.4 points seem a little high just because there is nothing in the
> body?

pyzor supports a local hash whitelist file, which you set like this:

 pyzor local_whitelist < msg

You can do this as any user, provided that SA's pyzor can find the
file and read it. 

As a bare minimum it makes sense to pipe an empty string through it. I
whitelist my Bayes ham corpus of ~ 3k emails and it doesn't have a
noticeable effect on latency, but it does use a flat text file so be

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