> Please open a bug on bugzilla.  Nothing jumps to mind.  If you can
> include the version of mysql just for completeness sake as well as how
> you created the tables, that would be good.
I'll do that, unless you can spot an error below.

> Do you have a line like user_awl_sql_table              txrep?

> And can you run a show tables and describe like such?
> show tables;
> describe txrep;

MariaDB [spamdb]> show tables; describe txrep;
| Tables_in_spamdb  |
| bayes_expire      |
| bayes_global_vars |
| bayes_seen        |
| bayes_token       |
| bayes_vars        |
| txrep             |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

| Field    | Type         | Null | Key | Default           | Extra
| username | varchar(100) | NO   | PRI | NULL              |
| email    | varchar(191) | NO   | PRI | NULL              |
| ip       | varchar(48)  | NO   | PRI | NULL              |
| count    | int(11)      | NO   |     | 0                 |
| totscore | float        | NO   |     | 0                 |
| signedby | varchar(191) | NO   | PRI | NULL              |
| last_hit | timestamp    | NO   |     | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | on update
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I didn't have a 'last_hit'-column originally, but adding it (as above)
did not change anything. One further difference: 'email' and 'signedby'
are varchar(191) instead of (255) because the db is utf8mb4, which means
varchar can be at most 191 characters long.


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