On Sep 15, 2017, at 9:46 AM, David Jones <djo...@ena.com> wrote:
> 3. I have narrowed down the problem to the general area of a perl Makefile 
> which builds a custom garescorer.c file which does some statistical analysis 
> to determine the best score for rules in the 72_scores.cf.  These 
> 72_scores.cf are excluded from 50_scores.cf (static scores) and are currently 
> incomplete making these rules default to 1.0.  Most of theses missing rules 
> should be much higher than 1.0 causing SA to allow spam through on most 
> installations that don't have an optimized MTA in front of SA.
> https://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/InfraNotes2017#mkupdates
> ~/svn/trunk/build/mkupdates/mkupdate-with-scores
>     masses -> perl Makefile.PL && make (complete build of SA and test)
>         - perl hit-frequencies
>         - garescorer - compiles and runs it, requires build/pga               
>            <--- THE PROBLEM IS NEAR HERE

where are hit-frequencies and garescorer?

> I think the problem is somewhere behind line 127 and 128 which does many 
> things/steps:

line 127 and 128 of mkupdate-withscores? (that just looks like it's building a 
version of SpamAssassin from trunk svn? maybe you are referring to something 

Daniel J. Luke

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