On 22.09.2017 18:19, Davide Marchi wrote:

> Is there any way to tell to reject any mail coming to the MX backup
> server, if the primary server is up?

Have you not just recently asked this on the Postfix mailing list?
Somebody did. It is not a SpamAssassin issue, since SA only gets
involved after Postfix has already accepted the mail. The only way to
make a backup MX "spam safe" is to use the same tests/policies on both
primary and secondary MX.

> on my server I guest i...@foo.org, and its alias: ali...@foo.org and
> ali...@foo.org, and stop. The spam come from ali...@foo.org, that
> doesn't exist, how I could reject and prevent to delivery from these
> address, without compromise the backup server?

Add a Postfix sender restriction that rejects all mail apparently sent
by foo@your.domain via port 25 of your MX. Only allow this to happen on
port 587 (submission) and for authenticated users. See Postfix docs for


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