This could also be an attempt to get a mailing list to work.

There's a continuing problem with email list traffic getting bounced by DKIM, and various work-arounds - the gist is that the mail has to come from the list manager, but you still need a way to indicate the original author of the message.  Hacks abound. But basically, DKIM is just broken.

Miles Fidelman

On 9/27/17 12:16 AM, Jakob Curdes wrote:
Hello all,

I recently stumbled onto a mail with a Spam link where the FROM header field looked like this:

From: "Firstname Lastname@" <>

which is displayed in different ways on different devices but most do display something resembling an internal from address, maybe with an additional second external address. So it is a way to make users think this is an internal sender - probably it gets harder and harder to circumvent the ever-growing SPF rejections.
(The real sender domain has a valid SPF and DKIM entry).

I wonder whether it is possible to detect such a header with spamassassin means? I only see the following rules that hit:


I looked into the NAME_EMAIL_DIFF rule but this seems to be a slightly different scope and I would not want to just raise the score for that rule, it would probably give many false positives.
This is spamassassin 3.3.1 on Centos 6.

Regards and thanks, JC

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.  .... Yogi Berra

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