Hello all, I was the original poster of this topic but was away for a couple of days. I find it amazing to see the number of suggestions and ideas that have come up here.

However none of the constuctions matched "my" From: lines of the form

From: "Firstname Lastname@" <recipient-domain.com sendern...@real-senders-domain.com <mailto:sendern...@real-senders-domain.com>>

I therefore now constructed the following rules:

describe __FROM_NAME_CONTAINS_AT name part of FROM contains "@" sign
header  __FROM_NAME_CONTAINS_AT From:name =~ /\@/
describe __FROM_MULTIPLE_ADDR address part of FROM contains more than one mail address (additional text)
header  __FROM_MULTIPLE_ADDR    From:addr =~ /\s/

describe __FROM_NAME_ADDRESS_EQUAL constructions like "us...@companya.com" <us...@companyb.com> header  __FROM_NAME_ADDRESS_EQUAL From =~ /["']?(\w+@\w+\.\w+)["']?\s*\<\1\>/i header  __FROM_NAME_CONTAINS_ADDRESS From =~ /["']?(\w+@\w+\.\w+)["']?\s*\</i


(the last META could even get a slightly negative score, I occasionally see people entering their email address in the name field).

and am now waiting to see some hits. I consider the risk of false positives low in this case, if these METAs are matched somebody is trying to trick you.

Regards JC

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