Has anyone tried out the the MSBL Email Blocklist (EBL) HashBL.pm with
Spamassassin from msbl.org and possibly considered packaging this module
(available from this page: http://msbl.org/ebl-implementation.html) with
SpamAssassin (perhaps in a forthcoming release)?  rSpamD already has
internal support for the EBL. So I believe the MSBL folks are for this sort
of thing in general.

This plugin looks through the message (not just headers) for email
addresses which have been identified as email drop boxes for scams like 419
advance fee fraud.  It then looks hashes of these addresses up in a

I'm not affiliated with these folks.  I do however use this module in my
setup though and find it catches a bunch of things we wouldn't have
otherwise caught.

Michael Grant

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