This occurred on various distros of Linux
    Fedora 8 and 3
    CentOS 4, 4.4 and 5
    Mandrake 10.2 and 2006.0, 2007.0

Most of these are chroot environments on the same server

There is no subversion server on those machines, they are used as subversion 
clients only, so
    No - subversion was not running at the time

If subversion has no such special logic how come it happens 
    on three different machines, on 9 different OSes ?
    And on all of them happens *only* in the directory ~/.subversion ?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tyler Roscoe" <>
To: "Alan Brogan" <>
Sent: Thursday, 4 March, 2010 15:38:24 GMT +00:00 GMT Britain, Ireland, Portugal
Subject: Re: Could not un- and re- link ~/.subversion/config

On Thu, Mar 04, 2010 at 01:13:49PM +0000, Alan Brogan wrote:
> I just lost a few hours trying to do this:
> $ cd ~/.subversion
> $ rm -f config
> $ ln -s /path/to/another/config .
> The link command kept failing, because "File exists"
>    WTF ?
> Turns out I cannot remove ~/.subversion/* in one command, as some other 
> process is protecting them from deletion (but not from editing).
> Eventually I did figure out the workaround, which is simply to join them into 
> one command
> $ rm -f config && ln -s /path/to/another/config .

What OS is this? Was svn running at the time?

Sounds like an OS issue. AFAIK Subversion has no special logic to
protect its config files.


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