It is not the file it is the directory

It happens on multiple different OSs (at least Linux and OSX)
    On all of them it happens only in ~/.subversion


----- Original Message -----
From: "Alexey Neyman" <>
Cc: "Alan Brogan" <>
Sent: Thursday, 4 March, 2010 17:57:05 GMT +00:00 GMT Britain, Ireland, Portugal
Subject: Re: Could not un- and re- link ~/.subversion/config

"File exists" error means that the file is re-created after you delete it 
but before 'ln'. The fact that you were able to achieve re-linking by 
combining two commands into one (rm ... && ln ...) suggests that there is 
something invoking 'svn' periodically (cron job?).

As far as I know, Subversion does not have any special logic for config 
file protection. However, it does re-create this file with default 
settings if it does not find one when 'svn' command is invoked.


On Thursday 04 March 2010 05:13:49 am Alan Brogan wrote:
> Hello the list,
> I just lost a few hours trying to do this:
> $ cd ~/.subversion
> $ rm -f config
> $ ln -s /path/to/another/config .
> The link command kept failing, because "File exists"
>    WTF ?
> Turns out I cannot remove ~/.subversion/* in one command, as some other
> process is protecting them from deletion (but not from editing).
> Eventually I did figure out the workaround, which is simply to join
> them into one command $ rm -f config && ln -s /path/to/another/config .
> But it was a £*({ing annoying few hours between problem arising and
> finding solution (and even more annoying that the solution was so
> simple)
> I can find no documentation of this feature at
> so, I would like to ask:
> a) where is it documented ?
> b) can it be extended to other user-configurable directories ?
> Thank you for reading this far, and any writing you might be able to
> do.

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