> This occurred on various distros of Linux
>     Fedora 8 and 3
>     CentOS 4, 4.4 and 5
>     Mandrake 10.2 and 2006.0, 2007.0
>     OSX
> Most of these are chroot environments on the same server
> There is no subversion server on those machines, they are used as
> subversion clients only, so
>     No - subversion was not running at the time
> If subversion has no such special logic how come it happens
>     on three different machines, on 9 different OSes ?
>     And on all of them happens *only* in the directory ~/.subversion ?
> --
> Alan

There has to be some app or process that is doing it. Is there a tool that you 
can monitor file access in Linux. With windows I would use something like 
Process Monitor from sysinternals.


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