On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 7:59 AM, Andrey Repin <anrdae...@freemail.ru>wrote:

> Greetings, Les Mikesell!
> >> thanks for having responded.
> >> Can I file a feature request for that in the issue tracker,
> >> what do you think?
> >>
> >> @Ryan: Of course with a peg rev I can log that single rev. But the
> >> rev number of that rev is that what we are looking for! To find out
> >> this rev number, we want to use an earlier peg rev where we know
> >> that the file still existed and want to add "-r1:head" as operative
> >> revs to see all revs including the rev where the file was deleted.
> >>
> > The deletion should show in an 'svn log -v' of the directory where the
> file was
> > deleted.
> That directory was deleted as well. As well, at unknown revision. Multiple
> times.
> The question is not that we can work around the issue, the question is, why
> Subversion can't do this for us? I can add my own case to this list.
> http://subversion.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=1065&dsMessageId=1850347
> I can understand that it's not easy to track deletes/copies forward, but
> tracking history from creation time to deletion(renamind implies
> deletion) time should be possible IMO.
> And this should be possible without user's guesswork. It's fairly simple to
> find correct revision range in repository with 40 commits.
> In repository with 40,000 commits things became "a bit" scary

Have you tried a combination of 'log -v' and grep? IMHO, that would be the
quickest to implement, and simplest to achieve.

Daniel B.

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