On 11/30/10 5:21 AM, Ludwig, Michael wrote:

I can see that from the peg rev point of view, HEAD is the
future. But I think we can also agree that from the SVN user's
perspective, every single existing rev including HEAD is in
the past.

Yes, but from the perspective of getting history where you can
only go backwards, you have to specify the right starting point,
and a rev where the thing doesn't exist isn't the right place.

Certainly. Just imagine you weren't required to specify a revision:

svn show svn://server.dev/eins/zwei/drei/vier.txt

  seq node-id  revision  status
    1 1bca349        33  A
    1 1bca349        75  M
    1 1bca349        76  M
    1 1bca349       111  M
    1 1bca349       188  D
    2 4941b20      1099  A
    2 4941b20      1101  M
    2 4941b20      1108  M
    2 4941b20      1831  D
    3 6e6cdff     18004  A
    3 6e6cdff     18014  M

The node ID would identify the versioned object. (I don't know
anything about what the node ID might look like; the example is
just a wild guess.) This sketch certainly has flaws, but is it an
unreasonable proposal? Users might find it useful.

But the name has nothing to do with the versioning of the object. Names appear in the directory containing it. The object itself might have a different name every revision if the modifications are moves. Or the same name might be a different object with deletes followed by adds or copies to the name in question. Subversion only tracks the object itself using the name to identify a starting point. But you can see the names come and go in the history of the directories containing them.

Yes, there could be several items - several revision ranges -
in the index, pointing to several unrelated objects. But is it
a big problem?

Yes, if you are in the habit of deleting things and adding them
back, then wanting one of the deleted versions.

You'd read it from the list and identify it by revision. No
changes to existing behaviour and functionality.

Where does the client/server protocol have such functionality now? I think it is only in showing a log -v of the directory containing the name.

I wouldn't. But if I had a trigger to log changes made to a table
to a log table I'd expect the system to know the table history.
That's maybe a bit more aligned with what I might expect from a
version control system.

You have that in the versioning of the directory where the name appears.

It's a big order to make that happen through a client-server
connection that has no such existing concept and no server side
hints to do it efficiently.

I agree the server side needs to have the URL index to do it
efficiently. Given that index, however, it shouldn't be difficult.
I wouldn't redesign the existing set of commands, just provide
one in addition that provides the history of a URL.

That already exists. A 'log -v' from the top of the repo will show all deletes and adds ever done. The output isn't convenient to feed to grep, etc., though.

  Les Mikesell

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