On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 08:51, Colin Fraser <colin.fra...@levelfour.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking to migrate an existing repository from CVS into SVN and I've been 
> trying to find concrete examples of capacity limits.
> Our workflow is to create private branches for bug fixing, feature 
> development, RC testing etc so we end up with a lot of branches and tags over 
> time - CVS is now struggling to support this (time taken to branch is hours). 
>  I've seen plenty examples given about the physical size or number of commits 
> supported in an SVN repository, but nothing about the number of branches and 
> tags that can be supported.
> Basically I'm concerned about performance degradation over time if we 
> continue to create many branches.  The numbers I'm talking about are around 
> 2000 branches and 3000 tags, increasing by about 500 per year.
> Any information or links appreciated.

Subversion branches and tags are just specially-named copies (you
don't even have to call them "branch" or "tag" if you don't want).
Copies in Subversion are cheap - each will take maybe 1KB of space.
See http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.branchmerge.using.html

You shouldn't have the same trouble in SVN as you've had in CVS.

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