On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 12:59:38AM +0200, Gunnar Dalsnes wrote:
> Hi,
> Get an exception/assert in svn 1.7 alpha3.
> Easily reproduceable by doing this (the svn repo is public):
> ---
> > svn checkout https://zlibnet.svn.codeplex.com/svn test
> Checked out revision 11497.
> > svn update test
> Updating 'test':
> svn: E235000: In file '..\..\..\subversion\libsvn_wc\wc_db.c' line
> 10935: assertion failed (base_status ==
> svn_wc__db_status_incomplete)
> This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an
> unusual way.
> Please contact the application's support team for more information.
> > svn update test
> svn: E155004: Working copy 'C:\test\test' locked.
> svn: E155004: 'C:\test\test' is already locked.
> svn: run 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn help cleanup' for details)

I can reproduce your problem with older versions of 1.7.x.
But it works fine for me with the latest code from the 1.7.x branch.

I am not sure which commit fixed this. Maybe it was r1146620.
Please check again when the next pre-release is made. Thanks!

This is how it behaves for me with the latest 1.7.x:

$ svn info
Path: .
Working Copy Root Path: /tmp/test
URL: https://zlibnet.svn.codeplex.com/svn
Repository Root: https://zlibnet.svn.codeplex.com/svn
Repository UUID: 37308e9d-ab76-48fb-8b0d-99fc395a6d69
Revision: 11497
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal

$ svn up test
Updating 'test':
Update complete.

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