On 7/25/2011 11:33 PM, Andy Canfield wrote:
For your information, this is my backup script. It produces a zip file that can be tranported to another computer. The zip file unpacks into a repository collection, giving, for each repository, a hotcopy of the repository and a dump of the repository. The hotcopy can be reloaded on a computer with the same characteristics as the original server; the dumps can be loaded onto a different computer. Comments are welcome.

The dump should use the hot copy as its source. Otherwise it may differ from the hot copy. See my note inline.

#! /bin/bash

# requires root access
if [ ! `whoami` == root ]
    sudo $0

# controlling parameters
ls -ld $SRCE

# Construct a new empty SVNParent repository collection
rm -rf $DEST
mkdir $DEST
chmod 0700 $DEST
ls -ld $DEST

# Get all the names of all the repositories
# (Also gets names of any other entry in the SVNParent directory)
cd $SRCE
ls -d1 * >/tmp/SVNBackup.tmp

# Process each repository
for REPO in `cat /tmp/SVNBackup.tmp`
    # some things are not repositories; ignore them
    if [ -d $SRCE/$REPO ]
        # back up this repository
        echo "Backing up $REPO"
        # use hotcopy to get an exact copy
        # that can be reloaded onto the same system
        svnadmin  hotcopy  $SRCE/$REPO   $DEST/$REPO
        # use dump to get an inexact copy
        # that can be reloaded anywhere
        svnadmin  dump     $SRCE/$REPO >$DEST/$REPO.dump

svnadmin dump $DEST/$REPO >$DEST/${REPO}.dump

I generally use curly braces when punctuation is present to make sure variable substitution occurs the way I want it.


# Show the contents
echo "Contents of the backup:"
ls -ld $DEST/*

# zip up the result
cd $DEST
zip -r -q -y $DEST.zip .

# Talk to the user
echo "Backup is in file $DEST.zip:"
ls -ld $DEST.zip

# The file $DEST.zip can now be transported to another computer.

    David Chapman         dcchap...@acm.org
    Chapman Consulting -- San Jose, CA

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