On 7/26/2011 3:03 PM, Andreas Krey wrote:
On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 13:55:17 +0000, Les Mikesell wrote:
How could it possibly be up to date if there has been a commit since the
last time it was updated?

Because the commit came from my WC. My WC was up to date before the
commit, and the only things that change have been in my WC already,
so there is no possible way my WC can not be up to date. Except that it
'forgets' to update the WC revision info, and requires a separate update
for that.

It doesn't 'forget', it knows that doing it right would, in the general case, involve changing files in your working copy that you might not want to have changed.

(But probably I'm too much in the whole-tree-mindset to see
the problems when a commit paints new revisions outside the area it
committed. There is no 'the' revision info.)

While in this case you may 'know' that no one else has made any changes in the repository, but it is probably a bad idea to get into habits that won't work when you are part of a team.

  Les Mikesell

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