On 7/26/11 5:14 PM, Andy Canfield wrote:

I shy away from svnsync right now because it requires me to get TWO of these
Subversion systems running. At present I am almost able to get one running. 

You don't need a 2nd server. Svnsync is a client to both repos, but the side it is writing can use file:/// access to avoid the need to have another server.

Suppose we do a backup every night at midnight, copying it to a safe place. And
suppose that the server dies at 8PM Tuesday evening. Then all submits that
occurred on Tuesday have been lost. Presumably we'd find out about this on

But a working copy is a valid working copy until you delete it. Assuming that
the working copies still exist, all we need to do is
* Restore the working SVNParent repository collection on a replacement computer.
* Have everyone 'svn commit' from their working copies.
* Unscramble the merge problems, which should be few.

But you can't do this if the WC was updated past the rev of your restored repo. Or if you have a different uuid.

  Les Mikesell

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