On 08.07.2013 01:06, Miro Kropáček wrote:

I'm not subscribed to the list. I'd like to ask about one issue I'm having. Let's say I've got a tree like this:


and I'd like to checkout only 'server/svn/trunk/software/user'. Of course, I could do

svn checkout server/svn/trunk/software/user

or even:

mkdir -p ~/projects/svn/trunk/software/user
svn checkout server/svn/trunk/software/user ~/projects/svn/trunk/software/user

but in either way, svn root will be placed in the 'user' directory what is not what I want because in the future I might be interested to checkout the huge subtree or the wicked_filenames might become windows-friendly filenames in the future.

I'm not sure if a scenario like this is even supported but this is what I tried:

svn co --depth empty server/svn/trunk
cd trunk
svn up --depth empty software
cd software
svn up user

... and it seems to work, hooray. Now, in 'software' and 'trunk', svn info gives me: "Depth: empty", in 'user' it gives me nothing about the depth, I assume that means 'normal'.

Yep, no depth means infinity.

And finally, my question :) If I go to 'trunk' or 'software' and do 'svn update' ... why the complete tree is updated (fetched from the server, including the omitted subtrees) ? What's the meaning of "Depth: empty" then?

You're right, a simple 'svn update' in 'trunk' or 'software' should not pull in any directories of files outside of 'user'. That should only happen if you run e.g. 'svn update --set-depth infinity'. What Subversion version are you using and on what platform?

Miro Kropacek

Kind Regards,

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